Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Running logs and such

I thought that since we can't do much training together, maybe sharing our running logs with each other might be a way to help each other out. So, to get it all started, here is the link to my running log at coolrunning.com

Monday, February 19, 2007

Enough already! Who's in?

Okay, enough of the banter. Who's in? We get a discount if we sign up by June 1st (I think that is the date), but more importantly, some of us need the time to get into shape. I believe this is our team as of 2/18:

I saw Mark this weekend, and he's grudgingly moving towards doing it. Jeremy has sounded in as well. That makes six. However, how about a definite yes or no. Plans will have to be made as to camping and other thoughts.

If we needed any more of a push, the start is at the Trapp Family Lodge that was started by, you guessed it, the von Trapp family!!!!

Let's make this decision and get ready!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Okay, let's get a vote here

Alright already! Are we in or not? Brian has our three ins, Robin sounds like she's in. What about Jeremy, Mark, and Trusky? I say if we get six, we're in.

Monday, January 22, 2007

So where are we?

I am all for doing the VT run. It's still in the summer which will make it easier on most of us. We will only need six. It's shorter, but we will all run about the same distance as NH.

Most likely to be surely in: Dave, Mike, Brian
Others: Robin, Jeremy, Petruska, Mark

When do we need a final count? We should be registering soon I would imagine.


Monday, January 8, 2007

How could we forget Trusky?????

Okay, so we fogot about Trusky...so, we, uh, need to wait and see, I guess. You know...we could, well, see if we have six or not.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

What about.......Trusky.......?

Sorry......to copy your style Brian, but I just love those..........pauses in the writing. Has anyone considered Mike P as part of team V? He's run plenty of 5 and 10ks, and he says he wants to run a marathon this fall. This race would be a good tune up for him.


Registration is less per person for 100on100.


VT is cool...

it lacks the gimmick that you run from the mountains to the beach... but it is a cool state.

My personal issue is that this relay is one week before I do the Morgantown Sprint Tri. It isn't my "A" race but I would like to trim about 25 minutes or so off my time from last year and I am not sure that I could do that running 18 miles or so a week before... I might be wrong. I would also have to deal with the fact that ML is back in school already. Of course we were going to have to deal with that at RTB...

The good thing about this race is that folks aren't going to have to rush back the night after the race as in RTB. AND it will be easier to find 6 than 12.

Anyway... thinking about who might be interested... Mike, Dave, Mark (maybe), Me.... Robin and Jeremy? Jeremy has admitted that August is his free month... so he shouldn't have basketball interfering with this.



Seriously, when are you all going to get off of this "running" phase in your lives. Don't you ever long for the days of sloth and gluttony? Running hurts...and I'll have to look this up to be certain, but I'm pretty sure its unhealthy as well.

That said, I'm curious. I'd prefer something on a bike, but I'll consider doing either of the races with yinz. However, as of today, I've been sprawled on the couch with a heating pad (barely able to move) thanks to an on-again/off-again sore back I picked up the day after Thanksgiving.

I got the runs

Here I thought Mt. Victory was in PA instead of Vermont. Despite the fact that your blog has me as some green dude scaring all the Superfriends, I might be interested in this run through Vermont. I don't think we'll get 12 people to reach the beach, but I definitely think we can scrounge up six. Also, 100 miles sounds a lot less intimidating than 200 even though I think it comes out to roughly the same amount of running per person. Who all do you have in mind for team Victory?

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Invited... to Mt. Victory... obviously written in secret pirate language...

So I get invited to contribute to the private blog... but there's nothing here... ingenious! An unreadable blog even to the members.

But ooh... Mount Victory. How cool of a name is that?


Finding a Race

So, are we running or not? I've been looking at the racing calenders, and I've found another race that we could possibly enter. It's the 100-on-100 race in Vermont. It's a six person team covering 100 miles in the center of Vermont. I've posted the link to this race. Check it out and lets discuss what we want to do.